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AHI Academic Adviser Roger Kimball Wins Bradley Prize: His Acceptance Speech

The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) is pleased to announce that Roger Kimball is one of the three recipients of the 2019 Bradley Prize. His acceptance remarks from the May 7 ceremony in Washington, D.C. can be found here. The award “recognizes individuals whose outstanding achievements reflect The Lynde and Harry [...]

2022-06-05T15:07:05+00:00May 25th, 2019|News & Events, ShowOnSite|0 Comments

AHI’s Mary Grabar Exposes Jerry Nadler’s “Family” Politics

Mary Grabar, Resident Fellow at The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI), has published a devastating exposé of Congressman Jerry Nadler’s role in the pardoning of domestic terrorists.  Her article "Jerry Nadler's 'Family' Values" is featured at Real Clear Politics. Mary Grabar holds a Ph.D. in English from the University [...]

2022-06-05T15:07:11+00:00May 22nd, 2019|News & Events, ShowOnSite|1 Comment

Final Enquiry Post for the 2018-2019 Academic Year

Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) is pleased to announce that May 11, 2019 issue of Enquiry has been published.  All articles are available online and you can also find PDFs of each issue in the Archives section of the Enquiry website. This is the final edition of the student publication Enquiry for [...]

AHI Sponsors Undergraduate Conference on the American Polity

On April 26-27, The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) co-sponsored with Colgate University’s Center for Freedom and Western Civilization, the Annual Undergraduate Conference in the American Polity. The conference features outstanding undergraduate research from a variety of disciplines including history, economics, philosophy, anthropology, religion, political science, and sociology.  Patrick [...]

Enquiry: May 1, 2019

Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) is pleased to announce that the May 1, 2019 issue of Enquiry has been published.  All articles are available online and you can also find PDFs of each issue in the Archives section of the Enquiry website. Enquiry, is an independent publication sponsored by the AHI. A student-run [...]

2022-06-05T15:07:34+00:00May 6th, 2019|News & Events, ShowOnSite|0 Comments

Scholarship, Fellowship, and Award for AHI Undergraduate Leader Andrew Juchno

Andrew Juchno, co-leader of The Alexander Hamilton Institute Undergraduate Program at Hamilton College, has had a banner year. A government major from Paxton, Massachusetts, Juchno received in 2019 a scholarship to undertake graduate work at Yale Divinity School in the fall. Prior to his matriculation at Yale, Juchno will travel to Washington D.C., having earned [...]

AHI President Paquette Endorses NAS Action on Campus Free Speech

The National Association of Scholars (NAS) issued a statement on April 22—before Congress reauthorizes the Higher Education Act—that calls for federal action to protect freedom of speech on college campuses.  In a press release, Robert Paquette, President of The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization and Professor Emeritus of History, Hamilton College, [...]

2022-06-05T15:07:40+00:00April 25th, 2019|News & Events, ShowOnSite|0 Comments

Enquiry: April 24, 2019

Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) is pleased to announce that the April 24, 2019 issue of Enquiry has been published.  All articles are available online and you can also find PDFs of each issue in the Archives section of the Enquiry website. Enquiry, is an independent publication sponsored by the AHI. A student-run publication, [...]

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