The accretion of power in the United States by the federal government stands as one of the most important political developments of the last century.  Advocates of state sovereignty have mounted resistance to this trend recently, introducing resolutions that assert the powers of states under the ninth and tenth amendments.  The New York Times chimed in as recently as 28 September that some state legislatures are currently considering constitutional amendments that would block Congress from mandating that their citizens have health insurance.

Is the state sovereignty movement the wave of the future or a futile last gasp?  Is Federalism dead? If so, why should we care?

On Sunday, 3 October at 7 PM at the AHI, the Publius Society will sponsor an hour-long discussion of these issues.  It will draw on these prescribed readings:

1. Randy E. Barnett, Professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University, “Is Federalism Dead?”

2. The 2009 Bill of Federalism

3. Jay S. Bybee, “The Tenth Amendment among the Shadows:  On Reading the Constitution in Plato’s Cave”

As always, meetings of the Publius Society are open to the public, and refreshments will be served.