Joe Simonson, an “alumnus” of The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) continues his coverage of the illegal immigration fiasco. Mr. Simonson reported this week in the Washington Free Beacon that the Biden administration is flying previously deported people from Cameroon, whose asylum claims were found invalid, back into the United States. His story cites interviews with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) staff and internal agency memos.

Mr. Simonson, a 2015 graduate of Hamilton College and a former AHI Undergraduate Fellow, explains:

“The program, which has not been announced to the public, appears to be a response to a February 2022 Human Rights Watch report about dozens of Cameroonians deported … and then allegedly mistreated by their government.” ICE officials say, “airports around the country are being used as ports of entry for the Cameroonians in an attempt to keep the public in the dark about the program and avoid concentrating the migrants in a single location.”

Former ICE chief of staff Tom Blank insists “‘These individuals were deported by the order of a court after they were afforded all due process rights. For [the Department of Homeland Security] to arbitrarily reverse court orders to satisfy complaints from an activist group makes a joke out of the entire legal immigration process. It looks like outside activist groups now run the DHS immigration process instead of the courts.’”

“Both current and former ICE officials,” Mr. Simonson notes, “expressed alarm about whether this program will be a model for others … Should any outside activist group threaten a lawsuit about migrant mistreatment, they said, the Biden administration may choose the path of least resistance and simply return the asylum seekers.”