In a recent essay, Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) Senior Fellow Juliana Geran Pilon attacked redistributionist international agendas and opposition to national sovereignty as another dangerous form of the longstanding impulse toward anti-Americanism.
Dr. Pilon, who earned her Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Chicago, directs the AHI-sponsored Washington Program on National Security (WAPONS), a summer institute for students with a special interest in foreign and national security affairs. She has taught at the National Defense University, Emory University, Johns Hopkins University, George Washington University, and the Institute of World Politics, where she was director of the Center for Culture and Security. Her latest book is The Utopian Conceit and the War on Freedom (2019).
Anti-Americanism, Dr. Pilon writes on the blog page of the documentary filmmaker Doc Emet Productions, “targets Americans in a manner comparable to traditional anti-Judaism.” She quotes the late intellectual historian and political sociologist Paul Hollander, who described anti-Americanism as “ ‘a deep seated, emotional predisposition that perceives the United States as … the source of all, or most, other evils in the world.’ Intimately related to fear of modernity, it reflects ‘the belief that big corporations (capitalism) are in the process of extending their influence and power around the world, and that the United States, as the major capitalist country, plays a prime role in this undesirable process.’ ”
Like anti-Semitism, Pilon points out, anti-Americanism targets a group in order to “concentrate resentment” and is a tactic “notoriously effective in forging political alliances.” By “harnessing quasi-religious zeal couched in lofty-sounding ideals,” people who hold such views are able to avoid the effort of making a real case for their hostility. Her essay argues that the globalist agenda aiming to redistribute Western wealth and institute a kind of world government, promoted by “academics, diplomats, and international bureaucrats,” is actually similar in spirit.
“Hudson Institute Senior Fellow John Fonte concludes that ‘the global governance project’ is at bottom ‘a grand ideological and institutional enterprise that promises to be of world-historical significance – an attempt to create new political forms above and beyond the liberal democratic nation-state.’ ”
“American University law professor Kenneth Anderson,” Pilon adds, “diagnoses this anything-but-democratic internationalism as a secularization, indeed perversion, of medieval utopian millenarianism in modern garb.”
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