The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI) is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Thomas Jefferson Foundation for a special event at Monticello, November 15-17, 2018: “Hamilton v. Jefferson: On History, Freedom, and Republican Government.” AHI Executive Director Robert Paquette and Dr. Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy, Vice President of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, have organized a colloquium that will bring together more than a dozen Hamilton and Jefferson scholars to Monticello for two days and four sessions of conversation and debate. Annette Gordon-Reed, Charles Warren Professor of American Legal History, Harvard Law School, will keynote the colloquium on Thursday evening at a special banquet at the Robert H. Smith Center, Montalto, which overlooks Monticello.  She will speak on “Hamilton, Jefferson, and the Judge: Courts in the American Republic.”

Dr. Steve Ealy, Senior Fellow at Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, Indiana, will direct the colloquium.  “Steve, himself a political theorist, is a master at getting the most out of panelists in this kind of event,” said Paquette.  “We will also be partnering with affiliates and kindred-spirit organizations to bring gifted undergraduates to the event. Each session will allow one-half hour for members of the audience to ask questions of the panelists.  During Saturday’s final session, ‘Hamilton v. Jefferson:  What Should You Know,’ panelists will draw upon their expertise to present what each believes to be most important to remember about these giants of the founding of the Republic.”

“We are deeply grateful to Dr. O’Shaughnessy and the Thomas Jefferson Foundation for opening the door to what promises to be a sumptuous intellectual feast,” Paquette added. “We hope to live stream the event nationally. It will form part of AHI’s Eleventh Annual Carl B. Menges Colloquium. Almost twenty years ago Mr. Menges, a former trustee of Hamilton College, and I had a fateful conversation about Alexander Hamilton in a building that became our headquarters. Out of that conversation emerged AHI.

Panelists include Douglas Ambrose, Hamilton College; John Boles, Rice University; Joanne Freeman, Yale University; Kevin Gutzman, Western Connecticut State University; Carson Holloway, University of Nebraska-Omaha; Stephen Knott, Naval War College; Barbara Oberg, Princeton University; Peter Onuf, University of Virginia; Andrew O’Shaughnessy, Thomas Jefferson Foundation; Andrew Porwancher, University of Oklahoma; Colleen Sheehan, Villanova University, John Ragosta, Thomas Jefferson Foundation; Bradford Wilson, Princeton University; and Michael Zuckert, University of Notre Dame.

Seating at Montalto is limited.  Those interested in attending should contact Robert Paquette at