Dr. David Frisk, Resident Fellow of the Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization (AHI), spoke in February on a panel at the Florida State University College of Law in Tallahassee.
The event was titled: “The Movement: Conservatives vs. Libertarians and the Fight for the Future.” Dr. Frisk and Randall Holcombe—a professor of economics at FSU who is a senior fellow of the James Madison Institute and served for six years on then-Governor Jeb Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors—analyzed how these branches of American politics arose and where they seem to be headed.
The February 25 discussion was sponsored by the law school’s chapter of the Federalist Society, a prominent organization of lawyers, judges, legal academics, and law students who view issues in the profession from a right-of-center perspective.
“It was great to speak on this deeply interesting topic, especially to an audience that probably leaned toward the libertarian side, but was willing to hear an analysis highly sympathetic to actual conservatism,” Frisk said.
“A lifetime of relevant reading, plus the extensive research for my biography of the late conservative leader William Rusher—If Not Us, Who?, published in 2012 by ISI Books—informed my presentation. I enjoyed getting to know the Federalist Society’s chapter leaders in addition to my counterpart Dr. Holcombe. It’s an important organization at a significant law school. Many thanks to Judge Frank Shepherd of the state Court of Appeal in Miami and to Dean Donald Weidner for recommending me.”
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